Matthew 6 is one of my favourite chapters in the New Testament. I appreciate how, in such a lengthy block of teaching, Jesus took the time to address spirituality and spiritual growth.
These are often considered the “dry” topics of faith…many Christians would rather focus on doctrinal teaching, or the statements of chapter 7 or the morality of chapter 5, rather than the hard, difficult work of spiritual growth.
But Jesus teaches us that, unless we are focused on God, our spiritual practices are often in vain.
And who doesn’t this apply to? Who among us never struggles to pray as we think others want to hear, to announce our spiritual practices so others know what we are doing, or to give or serve out of expectation?
Just today, I found myself reading my Bible as a chore, just reading to get through it, rather than soaking in the words of God that I was reading.
There is always room to grow, always space to meet God in secret, always a room where we can close the door and simply be with God.
This week as you pray, let God question your motivations in meeting with him. Let him challenge you to seek him and him alone. Let your spiritual practices be refined by God in your secret place with him.
Prayer Guide: Matthew 6 (pdf); Prayer Guide: Matthew 6 (weblink)