Ever have a bad day? Or a string of bad days? Or a bad season?
In times like that, it’s easy to struggle to feel the presence of God.
We believe that God has promised us things, and when those things don’t happen, or seem to be taken away, we can lose confidence…and faith.
Imagine, then, the people of God in the Old Testament—living by promises made by God that they would hold land, be led by a King, and worship in a Temple. Imagine their thoughts when these things were taken away from them—the promises of God, crumbling around them.
How should they pray? How would you pray?
Psalm 80 teaches us how to pray with hope in the midst of disappointment.
God is a Shepherd who hears and restores
God cared for a vine that he planted ( a metaphor for Israel), which is now cut down
Though the vine is cut down, the vine can be restored—if God will restore it
The psalms acts as a prayer of restoration to the God who restores
Remember, as you pray, to pray the “so that” — that God will answer prayer so that he will become known as the God Who Restores.
Prayer Guide: Psalm 80 (pdf); Prayer Guide: Psalm 80 (website link)