Prayer Guide: Praise and Peace (Eph 2:11-22)
Ever have hostility with someone and not know what to do about it?
Ever have hostility with God?
(Hint: Before you became a follower Jesus, the Bible says that we were God’s enemies.)
Because God has saved uss—by grace, through faith, in Christ—we no longer have hostility separating us, but we are at peace. Peace with God, and peace with others.
Jesus’ sacrifice obtains peace for us, both with God and others, because in his body, he destroyed the barrier and made two groups one. He reconciled all of us and preached peace to all.
In the text, Paul is writing about how Jesus unified two groups—Jews and Gentiles, who were historically hostile to each other—in his one body. The result was peace.
If God could bring together in peace two groups who were at odds, then his peace overflows to us today.
This week, pray prayers of praise and peace. Praise God for the peace you have with him, and pray that his peace will overflow into your relationships with others.
Prayer Guide: Praise and Peace (pdf); Prayer Guide: Praise and Peace (website)